4th month - Sat, 31 Dec 2005
You woke up early this morning (at 0600 hr+) for your milk. While waiting for your milk to be warmed up, Daddy brought you into the room where Mummy was expressing milk. You smiled so widely to greet Mummy.
You took your first walk in the park downstairs. You'd enjoyed the walk, looked & smiled at our 17th floor neighbour, who told Daddy about his granddaughter (1 month younger than you).
You enjoyed your bath so much, splashed water all over Daddy. After lifting you out of the bath tub onto the towel & mat, you had the satisfied smile on your face. :)
Brought you to Tampines Mall in the evening, in the little pink dress that Grandma bought. You enjoyed your sit-up view from the Peg-Preggo pram & didn't give us any trouble.
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