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26 August 2007

Ash was diagnosed with Bronchitis yesterday afternoon.
She had been having a runny nose and a cough attributed to the back-flow of muscous for about 2 weeks. Dr. Zainal suspected that it was an allergy as her nose only started to run only at night. We then spring-cleaned the bedroom and it seemed to help. But on Thursday, her cough started to have a phelgmy sound to it and she had vomitted because of it.
So now it seems like her allergy had turned to bronchitis. We brought her to the PD after she had a severe coughing bout where she vomitted the contents of her stomach and lots of phlegm. Dr. Ong said that she had lots of phelgm in her left chest and recommended that she be put on a dose of the nebuliser. He also said that it would be better if she did not attend school for the next few days to aid in her recovery. So I'll be taking 1/2 day tomorrow morning and mama (grandma) will take care of her in the afternoon. Mummy will be taking Tuesday off.
This morning Ash woke at 6:15am and drank her milk and took her medication, a few minutes later, she vomitted out everything after a bout of coughing........and this time is wasn't clear phlegm, it was the thick, greeninsh type, which only meant an infection had set in. So we rushed her down to KKH. Sunday morning at KKH is a breeze compared to the chaotic nights, it took only a few minutes before Ash got to see the MO. She was prescribed antibiotics for the infection.
With the medication, her cough seems better tonight, hopefully she'll be able well enough to go back to playgroup by Wednesday.