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2 September 2007

At 3:30AM, Ash's fever had risen to 37.7 degrees. We administered the next dose of paracetamol since it was due to 4AM. But her fever rose rapidly to 38.4 by 4AM. Mummy decided to sponge her down. After about 20mins of sponging and crying, her temperature dropped to 37.7. By then she was a little more cheerful and by 5:25AM, her temperature was down to 37.0, she also managed to drink a total of 220ml of milk. She fell asleep with mummy in the hall at about 5:30AM. Last temp check at 5:55AM, 36.7 degrees. Time for some sleep.

For the entire day, Ash's fever spiked 3 times, the first at 9AM at 38.5, second at 1PM - 38.0 and the latest at 6:40PM - 38.9. Fortunately her fever will start to go down about 30-40 mins after her medication. Appetite has been normal, and drinking her milk and water well, at least, we do not have to worry about dehydration.

Managed to give her a bath in the afternoon which also helped bring her temperature down.
Paracetamol is due at 11:30PM, which means her fever will begin to rise soon, if it does. Last temp check - 36.2 degrees.