8th month - Sun, 11 June 2006
Today, you'd pulled yourself up to a standing position at the sofa! You were grabbing the sheets to help pull yourself though but you really do not fail to surprise mummy with your development. At the point when this blog was updated, mummy realised that we'd forgotten to snap a photo of this new development. Will do so soon.
We all went for a family studio shoot this afternoon. Prepared you well before the shoot - slept, fed, diaper changed. However, mummy's "light make-up" lasted 1 hour! By then, you were a little cranky already! We all had fun and your shots were good!
Today, you'd pulled yourself up to a standing position at the sofa! You were grabbing the sheets to help pull yourself though but you really do not fail to surprise mummy with your development. At the point when this blog was updated, mummy realised that we'd forgotten to snap a photo of this new development. Will do so soon.
We all went for a family studio shoot this afternoon. Prepared you well before the shoot - slept, fed, diaper changed. However, mummy's "light make-up" lasted 1 hour! By then, you were a little cranky already! We all had fun and your shots were good!