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Sometime in Jan 2011

My Scooter Girl

Can't remember exactly when I recorded this. We had just bought this scooter for her and initially she was rather apprehensive, but soon warmed up and was scooting all over the place.
6 March 2011
Trial at My Art Pencil
Ash loves to draw and Mummy finally signed Ash up for a trial class at My Art Pencil this afternoon. Was pretty impressed with the elephant that Ash drew, more importantly, it was proportionate. I wasn't in the class as only 1 parent was allowed to accompany the child for trial so according to Mummy, the class starts with a story to get the children imagining about what they were going to draw.
5 March 2011

Carseat Memories

We finally sold Ash's carseat today. Although I knew that Ash would not be using it anymore, I felt a little sad letting it go as it felt like I was letting a part of Ash go. So I searched thru all our photos and found these of Ash in her carseat. It had served her well and it was time for it to serve another child.

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