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18 Dec 2008

HFMD - Not Ash !
Cannot believe our luck ! We caught HFMD last week - first diagnosed on 8 Dec. We suspect that we may have caught it from Ash since four of her classmates were down with it the previous week. So far she's been fine, so we're guessing that she may have been the carrier (ie. carried from her classmates) but it was the same strain as the one she caught in April this year, thus making her immune to this strain.

Viv had it bad, fever, mouth ulcers, blisters. Mine was mild, no fever, 3 mouth ulcers, blisters on the hands and feet. It was so mild that in another time, I would have gone to work without even realising that I had contracted a contagious disease.
7 Dec 2008
Decided to have dinner at Crystal Jade T3 this evening and T3 was having a promotion, for every $50 spent, we were entitled to one entry to the Candy House and a tram ride.
The Candy House promotion was simple, take as much candy as you can in the mug that was provided.

2 Dec 2008

HFMD - update

Just received a call from Liu Lao Shi. 1 more case reported from Ash's class today. I'm really worried now.
1 Dec 2008

HFMD in Ash's class

Viv received a SMS from Pat's today :

"Dear Parents, this is to inform you that there are 2 reported cases of Hand, Foot n Mouth Disease (HFMD) from your child's class. We have sanitized all toys and the classroom. We will continue to sanitize toys after each session. We encourage parents to allow children who are unwell to rest at home so as not to catch up with another bug. Thank you."

From Ash, we understand that at least 3 of her classmates did not turn up today. Assuming an incubation period of 3-5 days and that their last contact was last Friday, 28 Nov, the critical period will be between today to Wednesday. So we have decided to let her stay home for the next 2 days before considering letting her go back.

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