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11 Nov 2009
Ash has been down with fever since Monday night. Was told by her teacher yesterday that 2 of her classmates were also down with fever. She could have caught it from an idiotic boy in her music class. At a make-up class last Friday, he was already having a very bad phlegmy cough, yet he deliberately coughed right into Ash's face. It wasn't an accidental thing as he turned his face to her, stretched out his neck and coughed at her, and he knew what he was doing as I could see it in his eyes. The mother is an irritating specimen herself, that boy needed to be controlled as he was constantly disrupting the class week after week.
So today was Day 2 at home for Ash and she was playing with Lego this morning and built this "robot" - it is supposed to be a Transformer :p

Next was her pirate riding on some kind of buggy.
And this is my robot.
1 Nov 2009

Cousin Joshua - part II

Visited cousin Joshua today. Ash was excited as she wanted to see Por-Por, Gong-Gong and Cousin Joshua.

Looks like Ash will make a good Jie-Jie - rocking Joshua.

Ash posing with Por-Por and Joshua

Giving mummy a hug.

Sneaking a snack

I saw Ash hovering around the dining table with Gong-Gong as I was going to the kitchen to get a drink. A while after I came back, I noticed Ash wasn't around and the place was unusually quiet. Suddenly from the corner of my eye, I saw some movement under the table and when I went round, this is what I saw - Ash sneaking a snack of pineapple tarts. We didn't want her to eat it as she had just recovered from a cough.

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