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26 September 2007
The Mooncake Festival

Brought Ash downstairs to join in the festivities celebrating the Mooncake/lantern festival yesterday evening. Mummy had bought her a blow up Tom & Jerry lantern.
Instead daddy ended up carrying the lantern while Ash just enjoyed her evening stroll.

When we first reached downstairs, she was still willing to carry her lantern. But that didn't last too long.

"I don't want to carry the lantern anymore"

Watching the older kids playing with sparklers

25 September 2007

Back to School

And back to square one. She cried as though it was her first day at school.
Ash has not been to school for the past 2 weeks. She was down with fever in the 1st week. Since gong-gong and ee-ee were also down to celebrate her birthday, she spent her 2nd week at home and on the cruise.
17 September 2007

Birthday Celebrations on the SuperStar Virgo (14 - 16 Sep)

This year we decided to bring Ash on a weekend cruise to celebrate her birthday. Star Crisues suprised us by having a birthday cake in the room when we arrived. Ash took to the room immediatley and made herself at home on the queen sized bed. Needless to say, she enjoyed herself thorougly and since she was able to eat the same meals as us, we just might go on another cruise, albeit a longer one to Phuket the next time.

Yippee !

I can call grandma, grandpa, aunty, and room service with this phone. Pssst, I also called the ship's EMERGENCY LINE.

See me steer the 'BIG BOAT'

At Charlie's kids' party

Art n Craft - making Pixie Wings !

Playing in the arcade - WRC Champion !

Ashley decided that she'd entertain us during breakfast by singing "SINGAPURA"

Final photo before disembarkation at the Harbourfront Cruise Centre...Bye, see you !

12 September 2007

Birthday Celebrations at Pat's

A quick clip of Ash's Birthday Celebration at Pat's Schoolhouse. She really enjoyed the attention.

9 September 2007

Birthday Celebration at Globetrotters

Celebrated Ash's birthday yesterday with Mama, Por-por, Aunty Wendy, Uncle Johnnie, Uncle Danny, Cousin Lucas and of course Mummy and Daddy.

Pictures tell a better story......
8 September 2007

Zeky Zebra, Zzzzzzzz.......

Was folding clothes yesterday afternoon and Ash came to "help". So I got her to pick the clothes from the basket while I folded them. When she picked mummy's striped shirt, she immediately went "Zeky Zebra !!!! Zeky Zebra Zzzzzzz..., I wanna wear Zeky Zebra !" Zeky Zebra is a part of the Zoophonics characters that she learnt at GUG.
So I helped her put on her "zebra" shirt ....:D

Fever update : No fever since 5:30PM yesterday evening.

NO MORE FEVER !! Birthday Celebrations are ON !

7 September 2007

Ash's fever had gone into it's 6th day and we were worried. Her fevers have never last for so long before, but it seems like there is a serious viral strain going around at the moment. Read in some forums that many kids are down and some have even been hospitalised. Because her fever lasted so long, we requested for a blood test to be done, got Dr. Huang to write a referral and we got the test done this morning at the Sengkang Polyclinic.
Ash was brave, even though she cried, the moment she came out of the lab, she asked for "biskit" in between sobs. After that sent both mummy and Ash home while I went back for the results.
The results showed a high white blood cell count, which is indicative of an infection. During the checkup by Dr. Huang, he noticed that the lymph nodes around her neck were slightly enlarged. This I checked up is consistent when the body is fighting off an infection, and it also explains why she's been complaining of neck pains the last 2 days.
Ash was precribed KLACID, an antibiotic to be taken twice a day.
Her fever today has been fairly under control, mummy has been very hardworking and created a fever chart in Excel. Only minor excursions into the fever zone. Hopefully that means that her fever is finally breaking.
Por Por's Birthday
Por Por had to celebrate her birthday with a simple cake because she had come down to help us look after Ash.
4 September 2007

4:00 AM - temperature was showing a gradual uptrend since 1AM. By 3:15AM, it was already 37.7. Gave her paracetamol. Fever peaked at 38.2 before dropping down to 38.1 at 4AM.

11:30PM - Since today was already the 4th day of fever, Dr. Zainal, suggested to do a urine test for UTI. Can you imagine trying to get a 2 year old girl to pee into this ????
Anyway, after an hour of crying, using both gentle and forceful persuasion, and finally with pee all over the floor, we managed to collect a sample to be brought back to the clinic for testing -no indication of infection. Hopefully this means that it's still just a viral fever and will burn itself out by tomorrow. ** fingers crossed **
3 September 2007

- 12:50AM - adminstered paracetamol, temp - 37.5. Slept well.
- 5:40AM - administered paracetamol, temp - 37.5, rising trend.
- And now at 6:15AM, it's 38.2, para should be kicking in about now. Managed to drink 200ml of milk.
Mummy called the KKH's Dial A Nurse and was told that there has been a rise in cases of high fever (viral ?) amongst kids last week.

When I got home this morning from picking por-por from the airport, Ash was looking really lethargic. She just lay there on mummy's chest and refused to touch her milk. So we decided that she needed to see a doctor. But by some amazing stroke of unluckiness, both her regular PDs were not available; Dr. Zainal was away for reservist while Dr. Vanessa was on leave. We did not trust the locum standing in for Dr. Vanessa. Mummy then called Healthway Hougang again and asked if there was another PD around and this time, the nurse said that Dr. Ellen Tan was around (should have told us earlier when we called to make an appt to see Dr. Zainal !!). As I was driving to Hougang Mall, we seemed to get caught in every single traffic light along the way. What was suppsoed to be a 12-15 mins journey, took 20-25mins ! And all the while I was getting really worried as Ash seemed to be even more lethargic, and appeared to be drifting into unconciousness. I kept talking to her and asked mummy to talk to her. As luck would have it, we got stuck behind a moronic driver in the car-park. He seemed to be travelling at 10km/h!!!! We finally got our car-park slot and rushed Ash up to the clinic. Dr. Ellen did the usual checks for fever, HFMD, throat infection etc. She concluded that it was a viral fever and that it would run it's course, not much could be done other than fever management. By then, Ash after crying during the checkup, decided she wanted her milk, so as Dr. Ellen was explaining to us the interval between paracetamol and brufen, I laid Ash on my lap and fed her milk, after that she seemed much better.
-8:10PM - fever rose to 38.9 - admimistered Brufen. By 9:20PM, her fever had come down to 37.5. Last check 36.2 degrees.
2 September 2007

At 3:30AM, Ash's fever had risen to 37.7 degrees. We administered the next dose of paracetamol since it was due to 4AM. But her fever rose rapidly to 38.4 by 4AM. Mummy decided to sponge her down. After about 20mins of sponging and crying, her temperature dropped to 37.7. By then she was a little more cheerful and by 5:25AM, her temperature was down to 37.0, she also managed to drink a total of 220ml of milk. She fell asleep with mummy in the hall at about 5:30AM. Last temp check at 5:55AM, 36.7 degrees. Time for some sleep.

For the entire day, Ash's fever spiked 3 times, the first at 9AM at 38.5, second at 1PM - 38.0 and the latest at 6:40PM - 38.9. Fortunately her fever will start to go down about 30-40 mins after her medication. Appetite has been normal, and drinking her milk and water well, at least, we do not have to worry about dehydration.

Managed to give her a bath in the afternoon which also helped bring her temperature down.
Paracetamol is due at 11:30PM, which means her fever will begin to rise soon, if it does. Last temp check - 36.2 degrees.

1 September 2007

I cannot believe this !!! Ash was having a low grade fever (37.7 degrees) this afternoon. She had just recovered from bronchitis. After her afternoon nap, she woke up cranky. Initially I thought that she was still sleepy thus the crankiness, but something told me it wasn't right, so I took her temperature, it showed 37.4 degress, not considered a fever yet, but it was a sign. 10 mins later I took it again and this time it was 37.7 degrees. We administered paracetamol immediately. Since then her temperature has been fluctuating between 36.6 and 37.2. It cannot be a bacterial infection since she's been on antibiotics the whole week. I'm hoping it's just a case of heatiness, nothing more. We will have to monitor her closely tonight as from past experience, fevers tend to rise rapidly at night.

WHY WHY WHY ????????????

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