25 Dec 2007A Barely Merry ChristmasWhat a Christmas it is this year ! Was woken at 3am by Viv. Ash was running a fever. After administering paracetamol, Ash asked for milk and barely minutes later, she broke out in a coughing fit and vomitted. She continued to cough very badly, full of phlegm. At 3:30am, we decided to rush her down to KKH, worried that her Bronchoilitis might be back. We finally got home at 6am, after her chest x-ray showed no infection and the attending doctor did not detect any wheezing in her lungs. After putting Ash to bed, I managed to catch 2 hours of sleep, till 8.30am, afterwhich it was Viv's turn to catch some sleep.
That was not all. At 1pm, Ash tried to poo, which was the start of a very very long and constipated afternoon. After 2hrs of crying and trying, Ash fell asleep, exhausted from her exertions. She woke again at 4pm and it started again, crying and trying. At 5pm, I rushed out to the nearby Guardian to buy suppository. An hour after insertion, there was still nothing coming out. I knew that either the suppository had come out or I didn't insert it deep enough. At about 6.30pm, we took her diaper off and saw the suppository and her half out poo. She was crying very badly. We brought her to the nearest clinic that was open at Rivervale Plaza. We were 10th in the queue, thankfully, the nurse was kind enough to cut our wait by half. Lots of struggling, one Mircolax, lots of crying and 10mins later, the words we wanted to hear "Daddy, I done, done." Got home at 9pm, Viv and I were dead-tired. Ash finally fell asleep at 11.30pm, but not before several bouts of coughing.
In between fever and constipation, we did manage some merriness, about 3 hours of it. Ash had a nice time opening her presents when she woke at 10am.
Merry Christmas !!

Presents from Mummy
Present from Daddy
Labels: Constipation, Presents